Top 10 Strongest Armed Forces in the World

Top 10 Strongest Armed Forces in The World in 2017

The folks at Global Firepower ranked the world’s 10 mоѕt powerful militaries. Thеу examined the defence forces of 68 countries in order to compile the rankings, tаkіng іntо account manpower, land systems, air power, naval power, resources, logistics, finances and geography covered. Thеу measure 40 dіffеrеnt stats аbоut a country, including number of aircraft carriers, аvаіlаblе manpower, and labor force, to produce a Power Index, in whісh lоwеr numbers equal mоrе firepower.

Top 10 Strongest Armed Forces in the World

Top 10 Countries having Powerful Military in 2017

Check out the world’s top 10 Strongest militaries in 2017-

10. Brazil

Power Index: 0.6912
Defense Budget: $31,576,000,000
Active Military Personnel: 371,199
Labor Force: 104,700,000
Total Aircraft: 822
Total Naval Strength: 106

9. Italy

Power Index: 0.6838
Defense Budget: $31,946,000,000
Active Military Personnel: 293,202
Labor Force: 25,080,000
Total Aircraft: 770
Total Naval Strength: 179

8. South Korea

Power Index: 0.6547
Defense Budget: $28,280,000,000
Active Military Personnel: 653,000
Labor Force: 25,100,000
Total Aircraft: 871
Total Naval Strength: 190

7. Germany

Power Index: 0.6491
Defense Budget: $43,478,000,000
Active Military Personnel: 148,996
Labor Force: 43,620,000
Total Aircraft: 925
Total Naval Strength: 67

6. France

Power Index: 0.6163
Defense Budget: $58,244,000,000
Active Military Personnel: 362,485
Labor Force: 29,610,000
Total Aircraft: 544
Total Naval Strength: 180

5. The United Kingdom

Power Index: 0.5185
Defense Budget: $57,875,170,000
Active Military Personnel: 224,500
Labor Force: 31,720,000
Total Aircraft:1,412
Total Naval Strength: 77

4. India (Bharat)

Power Index: 0.4346
Defense Budget: $44,282,000,000
Active Military Personnel: 1,325,000
Labor Force: 487,600,000
Total Aircraft: 1,962
Total Naval Strength: 170

3. China

Power Index: 0.3351
Defense Budget: $129,272,000,000
Active Military Personnel: 2,285,000
Labor Force: 795,500,000
Total Aircraft:5,048
Total Naval Strength: 972

2. Russia

Power Index: 0.2618
Defense Budget: $64,000,000,000
Active Military Personnel: 1,200,000
Labor Force: 75,330,000
Total Aircraft: 4,498
Total Naval Strength: 224

1. United States

Power Index: 0.2475
Defense Budget: $689,591,000,000
Active Military Personnel: 1,477,896
Labor Force: 153,600,000
Total Aircraft: 15,293

Total Naval Strength: 290

Note- Nuclear capabilities are not included in this calculation. “As the inclusion of such weapons would defeat the purpose of such comparisons”. The placings are based strictly on each nation’s potential conventional war-making capabilities across land, sea and air.

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